Order services

Optimize the search for your future partners thanks to our services

Publishing online your job offers (free)

Unlimited online publishing of ojob offers on the EmploiPetrole website

- Publishing job offers is free on EmploiPétrole.
- Job offers remain online for a period of 3 months starting from the day of their publication.
- The job offers are also advertised on the Europetrole portal (http://www.euro-petrole.com).
- You have the possibility to advert your logo.

Consultation of the CV and job seekers databases
Unlimited consultation of the CVs published online by the job seekers

Offer 2 :
1 month access to the CV database

330 €*
Offer 3 :
3 months access to the CV database

825 €*
Offer 4 :
6 months access to the CV database

1375 €*
Offer 5 :
1 year access to the CV database

2200 €*

*All our prices are excl. VAT

Médiakit EmploiPétrole
Some info to contact us
  • @ By e-mail
    By phone
    Tel. : +33 (0)

    By post
    11, rue des Clos Beauregards
    92500 Rueil-Malmaison FRANCE